Friday, March 27, 2009

Week 8 Readings Blog # 8

Article #1:
Larry Lessig: How creativity is being strangled by the law:

Larry Lessig is arguing about the copyright issues of the new technology and he is doing comparison of the past culture to the new technology. At the end he came to a conclusion of finding legalized private solution, some sort of balance between the new technology and the culture.
The most significant key points are the broadcasters competition, what Internet is doing, opportunity to revive read and write culture, digital technology used for the revival of vocals.
One key point is user generator content that is spreading in business.
The other key point is celebrating amateur culture,remixes of the old and new songs
The challenging part is the tools of creativity,the tools of speech for our kids, how the kids think and understand the digital technology and change things without the user's consent or permission.
As Larry Lessig talks abuot the important point of growing extremism,which is not considered the right thing. On one side there is new technology, like u-tube and on the other hand is the ignorance and rejection of the copyright's laws. Kids culture and the new technology have to find a neutral balanced solution.

The Changing Face of Workplace Learning.
by Anders Gronstedt:

The article is about learning responsibilities for employees through Podcasting, which is an iPod driven phenomenon. As mentioned in the article " Learners can listen to or watch a podcast from their computers, Black Berrys, smart phones or any other media playing device."
Main point is podcasting is an excellent new convergent technology for training on the go when ever you have a few minutes to utilize constructively, for example while you are walking, driving, or eating.
Key point as mentioned in the article "Almost half of our audience is outside of the United States." The other point is cell phones are extremely popular in Asia and Europe and so is the video iPods and video-enabled cell phones used as"vodcasting".
Another key point as mentioned by the author " most sucessful podcasts are hosted on the blog" that converges into two way communication medium.
The challenge is the workers are spending their own personal time to learn which is taking away someone's private leisure time.
These two articles have reflected some points about the cell phones and the kids that might help me in my final paper.


1. What are the limitations of copyrights for the new technology?

2. Is the creation of new technology and fear of breaking the copyright laws discouraging the youth to bring innovative ideas?

1 comment:

  1. I liked your questions! I think that copyright is the same no matter the medium, which is problematic, as Lessig suggests. The new technologies and interactive capability of the software can strain the limits of existing copyright laws, and asks people to not do what they're able to do, despite their capabilities. But you could argue that just because you can start a house fire doesn't mean you should. On your second question, I don't think it is discouraging youth from innovating, but I do think it's potentially straining the relationship between the youth and the law as written.
