Thursday, April 23, 2009

Blog # 13 , 04/26/09

Blog# 13, 04/26/09

This week's class discussion on my final paper I have concluded that cell phones are hurting our kids in various different ways, they can be very dangerous on the road while driving or kids can be so engrossed while they are talking on the phone they can easily forget to look around for the traffic and even the child can be in danger of being mugged or someone can steal their cell phone. Kids might be wasting their precious time and their parent’s money while chatting, blogging, playing Internet games, listening to music, cyber bullying, or text messaging on the cell phone. That proves “Cell phones are hurting our kids”and the digital media convergence is very useful at times but it can be harmful especially for children.
On the basis of review of other's studies and articles I have couple of questions:
1). How cell phone's communication making the children lose their their vocabulary, reading and writing skills?
2). Does the iPods and iPhones have adverse affects on children or are they learning new technology to compose different types of music?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Blog # 12 Readings for 4/28/09

The Aesthetics of Failure: "Post-Digital" Tendencies in Contemporary Computer Music - Kim Cascone

Loving the Ghost in the Machine - Janne Vanhanen

Cascone's article talks mainly about how the Internet helped to bring a new movement, both academically and commercially, in digital music. Cascone further includes how this new movement is affecting the content and form of electronic music. The Negroponte Epigraph inspired her to say that "the revolutionary period of the digital information age has surely passed" (Cascone Pg.8).

The second article, by Janne Vanhanen, illuminates the development of music as its dependency upon digital technology has increased. She defines the "glitch" and asserts that "creative activity...has to approach the outside of has to court the chaos and worship the glitch" (Vanhanen Pg.3). Vanhanen seems to dislike the development of the music industry, for as music has become more digitized, its quality has decreased. This shift in the perception of music has done away with the expression of music. The specific devices that process provide an accuracy to music that desensitizes any inner meaning that was meant to be there.

Key Points in the Readings:
1.) Post digital aesthetics is developed from all the experiences of computer glitches, applications, , and errors, as mentioned in the first article concerning the "failure" of digital technology (Cascone Pg.2).

2.) Computers have become the main tool for the distribution and exposure of music to the world. This has made the new genre of music universal and has contributed the shift in the perception of music.

3.) The digitized industry of music has devalued the meaning behind artists' works. The availability of new sounds through the computer has deprived music of its depth, and, according to the article, "the changes in music are quantitative instead of qualitative" (Vanhanen Pg.8).

The most challenging concept for me was understanding that ideas can be made available to the world at the speed of light. For someone who has grown up in a time when changes in technology have been normal, it is difficult to see how advanced we have become in a short period of time. This theme of ideas moving at the speed of light is particularly scary because of the globalization that is following.

Discussion Questions

1.) Do you think that Vanhanen's assertion can be countered by saying that music is only changing and not decreasing in value?

2.) Since technology is known to continuously update itself, is Cascone wrong in saying that the "the revolutionary period of the digital information age has surely passed?" (Cascone Pg.8).

This weeks' readings has contributed to my paper because the same problem with cell phones and kids is happening with music and kids. They immerse themselves with their iPods and iPhones and lose touch with the real world. They also become very biased in their idea of music and therefore have no concept of the origins or the values that music is supposed to have.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Blog # 11, Readings for 4/21/09

"Quentin Tarantino's Star Wars? Grassroots Creativity Meets the Media Industry,"
This chapter is about the Star Wars movies which is a great example of media convergence beacause it caught on as a media frenzy which many companies took advantage of to make money.
The integration of Star Wars in our everyday lives has caused us to think of the series not as movies, but as part of our culture.
Three Key Points/Ideas:
1)Companies taking advantage of the hype
2)Dedication of the fans
3)Integration of Star Wars in mainstream culture

In convergence culture, both producers and consumers participate in various different ways. Consumers or the fans get so involved that sometimes they start their own production especially with the help of the internet without realizing the legalities of the situations. Producers worried that consumers were taking over and there was a legal battle whether to penalize the fans who illegally made their own productions or whether they should consider the fans as collaboraters to promote the original production.
Fans get inspired by their favorite show, song, or culture and the deep involvement gives them the ownership towards it. Amateurs take advantage of new technologies to re-emerge the grassroot creations. With the help of the internet, it gets shared by others for fun, to learn, and to bring improved and better material.
Star Wars parodies showed the evolution of amateur film making in both numbers and quality. "The idea that amateur film makers could develop such a global following runs counter to the historical marginilization of grassroots media production," (Jenkins 145).
Star Wars got the popularity of the media for several different reasons. Fan clubs of Star Wars emerged with a multitiude of films and clips affiliated with Star Wars for entertainment, but unfortunately, the amateurs did not receive any profit.
Star Wars is a great example of media convergence working through several different films, clips, plays, videogames, novels, comic books, toys, action figures, costumes, video tapes, and audio tapes. Amateurs are being benefitted by the internet through generating new information to attract the media which in turn brings new talents and innovative developments.
These developments increased so much that as Will Brooker said "Since the internet is growing so fast, we are in the process of developing guidelines for how we can enhance the ability of Star Wars fans to communicate with each other without infringing on Star Wars copyrights and trademarks," (P.155-156). Through Lucasfilms, the fans were given "" in which the rules and regulations were enforced. However, both the producers and consumers were not sure on which rules should govern them and there was much conflict between the two.
The most challenging concept that I faced was the conflicts between the producers and consumers which I thought was unnecessary. As mentioned by Jenkins "In the end, the media producers need fans just as much as fans need them," (P.173).
1)Why was Star Wars chosen as the catalyst for this media frenzy?
2)How did the internet play a role in increasing the hype of Star Wars?
The availability of such Star Wars creations is a problem for children with cell phones. It distracts them from school, homework, and even with spending time with the family. This "gateway drug" effect will cause these children to be so involved in their cell phones, they will be borderline obsessed.

Monday, April 6, 2009

blog # 10, Readings of 4/14/09

Situationism and Media.

Debord, “An Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography” (1955)
Debord and Wolman, “A User’s guide to Detournement” (1956)
Debord, “The Theory of the Derive” (1958)

The above three articles from this week's readings gave an overview of discovery of new ways,creation of new things, the curiosity to find better ways to do things and the excitement for innovations.
The necessities of life are forcing to discover superior and newer productions,which is converging to new life styles of life.
The main point is whether we like it or not we have to go beyond the previous inspirations to deal with the new changes and innovations.

Key Points:

1. As stated in the article "Psychogeography sets for itself the study of the precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment, whether consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals." The environment is rapidly changing for instance the invention of automobiles,it is a necessity, convenience and prestige,there is a surplus of cars because everyone's wants to own one, but at the same time people are encouraged to use the public transportation.
The invention of psychogeographical maps is very interesting people blind foldedly follow the maps.

2.Key definitions in the article of Minor détournement,"the détournement of an element which has no importance in itself and which thus draws all its meaning from the new context in which it has been placed". And "the Deceptive détournement, also termed premonitory-proposition détournement, is in contrast the détournement of an intrinsically significant element, which derives a different scope from the new context". Détournement bring changes in common people to become literate to invent and explore new views and advancement in technologies.
There is big impact of détournement shown in films,records,architectural designs, titles,music, gestures and words.

3.The theory of dérive,as descibed in the article,"a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiences. Dérives involve playful-constructive behavior and awareness of psychogeographical effects".
Maps and guides are developed to follow the dierections and penetrate the surrounding views,mind gets easily disoriented if they are riding in a taxi.
The dérive can almost be a therapeutic technique.

The most difficult and challenging part from this week's reading are use of the laws on the détournement. As stated "It is the most distant detourned element which contributes most sharply to the overall impression, and not the elements that directly determine the nature of this impression."

Q.1. What do they mean by cartography in this statement: "Along with various more difficult means of intervention, a renovated cartography seems appropriate for immediate utilization."

Q.2. Why are the last hours of the night are generally unsuitable for dérives as noted in the article.

This week's readings will help in my final paper writing from this statement" The French word détournement means deflection, diversion, rerouting, distortion, misuse, misappropriation, hijacking, or otherwise turning something aside from its normal course or purpose. It has sometimes been translated as “diversion,”.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Blog # 9, 04/07/09 Readings

Article#1: Why the Digital Computer is Dead by Chris Chesher.
The article is showing why the term "digital computer" is outdated because the technology is bringing new electronic gadgets which are widespread everywhere.
The technology is advancing in a very high pace,writer is introducing the concept of invocation media, which could be the combination of history and new technology.
There might be a connection between religion,magical powers and new technology.
The three key points are:
1.Invocation Media
2.Analog Computers
3.Digital Computers

They are defining and comparing the digital and analog computers.As mentioned in the article analog computer used the continuous variations for calculations where as digital computers used the discrete values, which is noticeable in writing.
Digital computers have more advantages to work with stored programs and data,more powerful with large addressable memories and offered language-like command sets as compared to narrower applications use in analog computers.
Nowadays the term "digital"is used for any high tech or computerized media technology,like digital images, digital camera, digital television,digital sound system,etc.
Computer started as an electronic device used for doing time consuming mathematical calculations and statistics, but technology advanced the computer usage for typing a paper, making graphics in power points,millions of Web-sites can provide the world wide information in seconds.
As stated in the article "The theory of invocational media is an attempt to construct a non-representational concept for new media." Author is calling the light and switch as an invocation device. As per article "McLuhan[23] argues that the content of the electric light is what it illuminates: night baseball or brain surgery. Without electric light, these activities could not take place." The other interesting part mentioned is the act of switching could be symbolic as in Christmas tree lighting or any other festive lights, it can be done by someone special or by executioner for someone on electric chair, as mentioned in the article "the moment of switching is an event in itself. The invocatory act has a certain power."

Article #2: "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Walter Benjamin' (1936)

According to the article the piece of art is reproducible, but the mechanical reproduction has its own new quality of art.
Similarly in literature,mechanical reproductions in writing can come out differently in printings.
Some pieces of art are unique and authentic,which cannot be reproduced but certain things can be mechanically reproduced in quantities or in bulk but the quality is not guaranteed to be the same.
Art is very subjective it depends how you perceive it.Sometimes there is no originality left in reproduction.

The Three Key Points:

1.The Principle of Work of Art
2.Aura of the Work of Art
3.Comparison of Painting vs photography and Film vs Theater

Articles explains how the woodcut graphic art reproduced mechanically for the first time,engraving and etching were added to woodcut, then started the lithography which got surpassed by photography.All this convergent is taking place because of the new innovations.
The concept of aura refers to historical objects as well as the natural aspects.For the film as mentioned in the article "Consequently, the aura that envelopes the actor vanishes, and with it the aura of the figure he portrays."
Original paintings are the one and only ,they are mechanically reproduced into photography, but they are questioning if photography is an art in itself. As stated in the article "Abel Gance, compares the film hieroglyphs;Or in the words of Severin-Mars; "What art has been granted a dream more poetical and more real at the same time!Approached in this fashion the film might represent an incomparable means of expression".

My most difficult and challenging part was to understand about aura and the Epilogue at the end of the article # 2.

Q.1.How does the mechanical reproduction of art changes the reaction of the masses toward art?

Q.2. Will the art of mechanical reproduction attain a better quality in near future?

This week's reading on high tech or computerized media technology,like digital images, digital camera, digital television,digital sound system,etc.will help me in my final paper writing.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Week 8 Readings Blog # 8

Article #1:
Larry Lessig: How creativity is being strangled by the law:

Larry Lessig is arguing about the copyright issues of the new technology and he is doing comparison of the past culture to the new technology. At the end he came to a conclusion of finding legalized private solution, some sort of balance between the new technology and the culture.
The most significant key points are the broadcasters competition, what Internet is doing, opportunity to revive read and write culture, digital technology used for the revival of vocals.
One key point is user generator content that is spreading in business.
The other key point is celebrating amateur culture,remixes of the old and new songs
The challenging part is the tools of creativity,the tools of speech for our kids, how the kids think and understand the digital technology and change things without the user's consent or permission.
As Larry Lessig talks abuot the important point of growing extremism,which is not considered the right thing. On one side there is new technology, like u-tube and on the other hand is the ignorance and rejection of the copyright's laws. Kids culture and the new technology have to find a neutral balanced solution.

The Changing Face of Workplace Learning.
by Anders Gronstedt:

The article is about learning responsibilities for employees through Podcasting, which is an iPod driven phenomenon. As mentioned in the article " Learners can listen to or watch a podcast from their computers, Black Berrys, smart phones or any other media playing device."
Main point is podcasting is an excellent new convergent technology for training on the go when ever you have a few minutes to utilize constructively, for example while you are walking, driving, or eating.
Key point as mentioned in the article "Almost half of our audience is outside of the United States." The other point is cell phones are extremely popular in Asia and Europe and so is the video iPods and video-enabled cell phones used as"vodcasting".
Another key point as mentioned by the author " most sucessful podcasts are hosted on the blog" that converges into two way communication medium.
The challenge is the workers are spending their own personal time to learn which is taking away someone's private leisure time.
These two articles have reflected some points about the cell phones and the kids that might help me in my final paper.


1. What are the limitations of copyrights for the new technology?

2. Is the creation of new technology and fear of breaking the copyright laws discouraging the youth to bring innovative ideas?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

final paper contd. 2 articles 3/22/09

Article on Adolescent Use of Mobile Phones for Calling and for Sending Text Messages After Lights Out:
By Jan Van Bulck.
This article is about the study done on young adolescents for a year to conclude how mobile phones used at night time when lights are out for making phone calls and for sending or receiving text messages and if this is causing greater level of tiredness in kids.
The key point is the use of cell phones has become such an essential part among kids to use as a modern means of interpersonal and mass communication. Young children are missing the required amount of sleep at night time, while talking and sending or receiving the text messages on cell phone. As stated in the article " Children's bedrooms are connected to global networks through internet access and mobile phones".Kids are being constantly disturbed by so called by the writer "bombing" where different numbers of rings convey different messages, it is becoming a pass time or we can say the waste of time for the kids and on top of that the kids are exposed to biological effects of emissions.As stated in the article "The electromagnetic fields produced by mobile phones, for instance, may have an effect on the sleep electroencephalogram,and evening exposure to mobile phone emissions may affect melatonin production."
In conclusion cell phone use in adolescents is getting very common, the media convergence of cell phones into radio, television, video games, photography and MP3 technologies may increase the use of cell phones at night time, which can relate to greater level of tiredness in adolescents.The article is stating that "The American Academy of Pediatrics has suggested that children's bedrooms ought to be “electronic media-free” rooms."

Article # 2:
Kids and Cell Phones: A Crosswalk Hazard?
From Common Sense Media.
Article is emphasizing on parents to teach their kids not to talk on cell phones while they are on the road. It is more likely the kids can run into traffic accidents while talking or text messaging on the cell phone.
For my thesis statement, cell phones can be very dangerous on the road, kids can be so engrossed while they are talking on the phone they forget to look around for the traffic or even the child can be in danger of being mugged or someone can steal their cell phone.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

week#7 blog

Week 7 Readings Blog, March 14, 2009

Article #1 –“Blogging: What is it?”
Blogging can be done by anyone if they are connected to the internet. People and journalists gain a whole bunch of general, political, technological, and scientific knowledge from blogs. People can take advantage of medical reviews, movie reviews, and restaurant reviews from different peoples’ blogs and you can use it 24 hours. Blogging is a source of information for the public and journalists. As mentioned in the article some people are sharing their happy moments of a holiday and the next day people are grieving on tsunami victims. People enjoy reading other people’s expressions and they can help each other in their sorrows and grief through blogs.
The key point is the bloggers can express their feelings on practically anything in blogs, including their political, cultural, or worldly views. It is almost like a diary. If you feel like writing on a particular subject, you can write. The only difference is the public is reading these blogs.
The second key point is blogs make an impact on how people use the web. People try to put their true feelings to share with others and to receive responses as well. Participative culture is developed through collective intelligence and knowledge. The knowledge shared on line public can participate in blogging to express their views. As mentioned in the article (how blogs could merge with traditional journalism resulting in participative journalism) peoples’ blogs can become the best resource of information for the public and journalists.
Being connected to people and interact with the community people get to know each other and keep the bloggers up to date with the technology is the true motivation of blogging. Blogging is a source of information for public and journalists community news resource
It’s very hard for me to understand the ethical responsibility of blogging. It seems to me bloggers just write their inner feelings about the topics in which they are interested, although people do understand that blogs are public knowledge and they have to be careful about the language and understand not to hurt anyone’s feelings and try to write non-biased blogs.
Blogs are an example of digital convergence through internet users creating a web-based diary or blog.

Question #1: Is the blog information from all different backgrounds confusing the public?
Question #2: Are people spending more time on the internet because of blogging?

Article #2 - “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Blog”

The writer is telling us how she started to blog and progressively it turned into all kinds of community issues and politically helped in election season. The writer is telling us that anyone could be a civic blogger if they wished to. It is the most inexpensive way to help people out and share with the community. She experimented with new topics. For example, her lunch meetings, and it was amazing how people got hooked to blogs and a whole bunch of people joined for lunch, with gives them the chance to socialize and talk more about community or general issues and politics, et cetera.
The first key point is how blogs brought the community together. It evoked community feeling. It turned out to be a safe way to deal with the civic issues of the community. For instance, they were giving an example of the trash to be picked up once a week instead of twice a week and how it brought the community and people together.
The second key point is how it helped in elections in how she educated the people in giving them information about the candidates through interviewing the candidates. It helped people to choose the candidates for voting and because of that more people came to vote.
People should be mindful of offensive content that might hurt or upset someone’s feelings in the blogs, or maybe they should consider using common sense when they write blogs so they do not hurt anyone’s feelings but rather respect the feelings of others.
Blogging is like sharing your feelings with others without any fear, with the hope that others will be encouraged to share their feelings at the same time. People have to start trusting each other by reading the true feelings or the neutral expressions in blogs.

Question #1: What laws should bloggers be concerned about?

Question #2: Is public liable for lawsuits if they put any unsuitable comments in blogs?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

cell phone paper contd. 03/07/09.

After I have researched more into cell phones and kids,I have narrowed down my thesis statement to "Are cell phones really hurting our kids? The media convergence from cell phones to text messaging which is one of the most mainstream activities among young kids these days. Text messaging is the most popular way to get connected to their friends. Kids are loosing their proper reading and writing skills by using the text language, while they are using their cell phones to chat, make plans, gossip,get help on homework, which may be cheating as well,tell jokes,hurt each other by telling bad jokes, make fun of each other, complain, make plans for dates and break up.
The article I am using is on Cell Phones Endanger Children. By TerakaSerrano.""
The article has conducted a survey, which is indicating that cellphones can cause malignant and non-malignant tumors. Research done by a leading epidemiologist in U.S Dr.George Carlos:states "that cell phones interfere with pacemakers, that developing skulls of children are penetrated deeply by the energy emitted from a cell phone" the cell phone and the radio frequency radiations can cause, type of a genetic damage
known to be a diagnostic marker for cancer.Even short term use of cell phones have adverse effects of impaired learning ability. They are recommending to protect
children from using the cell phones. According to the article, "In January ,2005, The National Radiological Board in U.K., announced that they are now advising parents not to let children under the age of eight use the cell phones."
The second article I have found is opposing the above first article, the name of the article is Bioelectromagnetics,Volume 26,Issue S7, Published, July,29th,2005.
The research article mentions "Electromagnetic field emitted by 902 MHz mobile phones shows no effects on children's cognitive function." The research was done on 10-14 years old children on mobile phones.
According to the article, present results are challenging the earlier findings suggesting that the electromagnetic field created by an active mobile phone would facilitate cognitive functioning. Further researches are still going on but the reports mentions the potential hazards of cell phones, parents are wise to think seriously about getting cell phones for their kids.

Article on Electrmagnetic Field Emitted by 902 MHz mobile phone shows no effects on Children's Cognitive Function.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Blog # 5 CELL PHONE - Final Paper Contd.

BLOG ENTRY # 5: Final paper Continuation
I have narrowed down my thesis to advantages and disadvantages of cell phones for kids. The media convergence of cell phones how they are interconnected to the Internet, with an easy access to text messaging, video games, mini- cameras and even the kids can watch the movies on the iPod.
The two articles I am using for my paper are as follows:
The one article is By Jacque Wilson, from CNN. Com Edition, Monday, August 11, 2008, the title is “What to know before buying your kids a cell phone.” The article describes how the parents feel so comfortable if their children are carrying the cell phone with them, especially if they are lost, article has surveyed, 54% of 8-12 years will have cell phones in next 3 years. On the other hand cell phones can be really costly for parents to afford when kids are texting, talking for hours or downloading millions of songs, kids can get into arguments over these issues and sometimes they are deprived of the cell phones privileges by their parents. That is where the parent’s responsibility arises whether to buy or not to buy cell phones for their kids.
Second article is from CNN Money.Com
Fortune Magazine, Fortune Tech. Daily, titled as
“One cell phone per child?”
by Stephanie N. Mehta. Feb. 23, 2009.
The article is about smart phones in the class rooms and after school to help make kids smarter. Article mentions, Qualcomm co-founder, Irwin Jacobs introduced the world to a new technology; he is hoping to make cell as a standard equipment in the classrooms. Jacob thinks the kids were able to interact with each other through cell phones by asking questions about their homework and figuring out solutions.
Article is mentioning about the pilot dubbed project K-Nect, which provides math students with basic smart phones. Some teachers used in their lesson plans, devices developed by Drexel University and Florida University.
The media convergence occurs when student use the cell phones to solve after school problems, same way as they used the computers to assist in the homework. The teachers still say that the cell phones are more distractive than learning or an educational tool. Some teachers think the students can move up by using the cell phones to record videos of their fellow students explaining concepts, so that they can learn with confidence.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Final paper post 2/20/09

Blog entry # 4
My thesis statement is “Cell phones interrupting people’s private life.” Cell phones have become so popular these days that almost everyone in the family owns one, starting from an infant, who gets easily amused by the different pictures and musical tones played on cell phones, which is very annoying when you are talking on important matter, the little kid tries to grab the phone in his little hands and takes it right into the mouth, that is where the little baby gets the germs.
It is so annoying when people get interrupted by their cell phones in important meetings, dinner table, restaurants, and churches while you are deeply praying, movies, Phillies game or any other game where you have to concentrate, in grocery stores or out in public when you start to talk so loud because of the interference. I still remember when the ear piece just came out; I thought it was a hearing aid attached to the ear or when I noticed people walking and talking with the ear piece, it felt like people are crazy talking to themselves.
We see a lot of media convergence for example, the cell phones are connected to Internet, where they have an access to their e-mails and people have a tendency of checking their messages or text messaging unnecessarily while driving which can run into serious accidents, that shows that cell phones can take people’s lives, like in the recent movie “ Seven Pounds”, in which the driver used the cell phone for a minute and took several people’s lives in split seconds and later on the driver had such a guilt trip that he donated his own body parts to several people to save their lives.
Text messaging on the cell phone is ruining our newer generation’s language, their grammar, reading and writing skills, through short form of text language. The children abuse the text messaging to distract the class or other kids. The other media convergence, Video games are now Internet compatible, cell phones have a capability of playing video games and little cameras to watch movies on iPod, another waste of time for the kids.
Podcasting is done through cell phones, net roots limited to computer savvy people; the rest goes to the grass roots the original simple devices.
The articles that I have chosen for my paper are from the High Beam Research ( Research archive from the newspaper article telling how the cell phones can pose danger to aircraft operations. The federal Aviation Administration and Federal Communications Commission ban the use of cell phones during commercial airline flights. As I have mentioned above how dangerous it is to use the cell phones or text messaging on cell phones while driving, the same or stricter rules apply for flying.
The second article is from National Institute on Media and the Family. On Cell phone = Internet.
The article is about surfing the Web on the cell phone, which has the Internet access to MySpace profiles, send e-mails, upload pictures to You Tube, and how these gadgets on cell phones can be very expansive and un affordable for the parents, as I have stated above how badly cell phones are affecting our kids. Young children can download inappropriate pictures or messages off the Internet and send them to others.
In general constant access use of cell phones can be very distracting and harmful for everyone.




Sunday, February 15, 2009

blog 4,Feb.17th Readings

Reading Assignment February 17th.
The speaker in podcasting clip is giving a nice review of podcasting, its implication, its application, implementation, validation of organization and changing media.
As mentioned by the speaker, podcasting applies to everyone in an organization, it could be a non-profit organization, educational, business, or academia. Podcasting applications are very broad and wide it’s in associations or in corporations.
The key point is the communication and the focus is on e-mail, the way we communicate in the world is changing, the change of pace of media, we can implement podcasting for the success of an organization.
The other key point is the strategy of podcasting, establishing innovations, broad contacts, pioneer in communication internal podcasting and communication, for example in academics, about the student’s curriculum, class notes, course material, etc. In business, build your audience, look for feed backs from company, frequent, timely, relevant and targeted contacts. Provide opportunities to experiment, what’s working the best for the company, update the customers, the more often your name is out in the public more popularity you will gain. Same works for the non-profit organizations, like place of worships, churches, temples or mosques, people solicits or ask for donations and contributions. Even if you are not producing, you can participate in it, you can sponsor it.
Another key point is the cross over in above three is the same medium of communication, such as e-mail, Webs, on-line, print or television. Speaker is saying the podcasting is the perfect extension of communication, extending messages to all different organizations, entertaining, accessible, energizes the communication effectively.
Per speaker validation of podcasting, audio, video, e-mail are all very effective and very dominant, most of the people check their e-mail pretty frequently. Podcasting is customer retention media. Blogging is another communication tool, which is becoming a common media in business and social world. Search is very timely and relevant short medium. On-line media and advertising is very popular, you can buy on-line any specific thing, geographically at any location any time. The three critical elements are target, relevant and measureable.
Compounding communication, the relevant audio, video, television, digital, all have individualized media experience. For publishing of relevant content there are libraries, archives. Key uses of podcasting, you innovate, use in education as in giving the educational messages, publication by getting the company name out and public relations podcasting by media relations, e.g. advertising, marketing, sponsoring and content sponsoring to politics and interviews.
Can blogs revolutionize progressive media?
The article is about the blog’s popularity, and how it has affected the political environment.
Key point according to the article by Lakshmi Choudhry, blogs are becoming very popular in general and specifically successful for the Democratic Party leadership, through the net roots. There is Internet, e-mails and message boards, blogs are much cheaper, faster and interactive for voters, they are very helping towards the campaign as compared to the news papers or television media.
Another point by the writer, blogging encourages a participatory media, computer savvy people participate in putting their ideas through blogs on Internet without the fear of being penalized by any one and all different opinions are converged through the Internet. Per, author,p.4, “ blogs- and more broadly, netroots tools- have the potential to become engines of truly democratic, bottom-up, issue-rich political participation”.
In the article “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” is about the impact of Internet on our brains and how are thinking are changing.
The main point is people spend so much time on Internet, it is kind of addictive, if you go to one Web site that can take you to several other sites, where you can get enormous amount of information in such short period of time, as compared to reading a book. Although some people still enjoy reading a book while sitting or relaxing in their comfort zone. As mentioned by the author in the article, p.2, “Marshall McLuhan pointed out in the 1960’s, media are not just passive channels of information. They supply the stuff of thought, but they also shape the process of thought. And what the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation. My mind now expects to take in information the way net distributes it”.
The idea pointed out in Erick Schmidt’s words, in the article, p.7, “Google is motivated by a desire to use technology, to solve problems that have never been solved before.” This seems so true sometimes, but not always.
The challenging question from this week’s reading is about the belief that our “brain circuits” can be re-wired? I really do not agree with this, may be more explanation might change my mind.
Discussion Questions:
Are the blogs safe enough for anyone to put their opinions freely?
Why the word “podcasting” is unknown to the general public? When it sounds like such a useful tool as mentioned in the clip.
From this week’s learning, podcasting clip was the most informative, I will try to introduce podcasting at my business, work and academia as well.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


The article on reinvention of the World Wide Web by Bill Hilf is describing, how the new media emerges from the standards of old media, such as radio broadcast, film, print and television converging with the development of multimedia, such as CD-ROM content, PC, console games film and video, kiosks, etc. The combination of all these old and new media brought us the World Wide Web or the Internet. This is the author’s idea “Media convergence is the inevitable by-product of the digital evolution”p.1. It is amazing for people to have an interactive global experience via Internet.
The other point that author emphasized is on p.2 “In many ways, convergence is both true and sound theory: media have joined together in many ways and it could be reasonably argued that the Web is the most “multi” of all media types”.
The idea of visualization of listening to the radio broadcast verses watching the television, where both served the same purposes of advertisement and entertainment, radio can be listened any where any time , where as we have to sit in front of the television to watch, same as another box to look into is the computer Internet Web. As McLuhan states about the media content “is the numb stance o f the technological idiot. For the ‘content’ of a medium is like the juicy piece of meat carried by the burglar to distract the watchdog of the mind”.
The idea of contrast between the printing press and the Web, news papers get printed in a timely manner, whereas on Web you can read worldwide latest news twenty four hours a day anywhere in the world. As mentioned in the article, p.4 “Along with immediacy, the Web provides the ability to deliver a tremendously larger amount of content than traditional print”.
It was interesting to read the historic perspective of printing press, the gathering of all the news and ideas, then providing them to the mass media. It is fascinating how people in 15th century had so many books to read for few literates, like the Web today with a data overload full of information. In 1588, an Italian engineer Agostino Ramelli designed a “reading wheel”, Ramelli explains how “ a man can see and turn through a large number of books without moving from one spot”. This can be compared to the Web browser of today’s world.
Spoiling Survivor is about the famous Survivor show on television, where the interest of producers and consumers overlap or conflict with each other.
The key idea is about the spoilers, the hard core fans of the show, how they deeply get involved in the show, like using the satellite pictures, watching the taped episodes very keenly, and looked for the hidden information in the show in order to reveal the ending, that really spoils the show for the producers and some audience.
The next idea is the spoiling done as collective intelligence, per Pierre Levy “No one knows everything, everyone knows something, all resides in humanity”. It reflects the collective intelligence of the community that gives them the greater power over the producer. Jenkins, p.27, Levy suggests, “that collective intelligence will gradually alter the ways commodity culture operates, Levy sees industry panic over audience participation as shortsighted”.
Another interesting point is participatory, social process of acquiring knowledge holds the collective intelligence. The interest of consumers and producers can be conflicting or overlapping, but they cannot be the same.
My challenging concept from the week’s reading was the question of how does the collective intelligence in the digital communication age breaks down the expert paradigm from the pre-digital communication era.
What did they really mean by ‘myopic perspective”?
Are they going to be producing more shows like Survivor in near future?
This week’s reading about the invention of the printing press and the comparison of newspaper reading verses going into the Web, where you can access all the latest news twenty four hours a day really fascinates me and saves on the paper trash as well.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Intriguing paradox - the idea of two competing ideas which are both true, it is a metaphor way. The Internet makes us all look all over the universe, the television broadcastings are being watched at the same time all over the world, people‘s culture become similar. There are some global advantages, Internet is like a global village, you can publish your own website, the availability of technology is an amazing change for example blogging and making your own web sites and it is so much easier to publish them on Internet. Television is just watching, but Internet technology is more accessible to mass audience, there can be a two way communication on Internet with interaction and feedback.
Internet really communicates in between multiple people for example, sound waves that are the biological nature of face to face communication, verses chatting on computer. How distant education is becoming so popular, more and more multimedia is coming, some people do their groceries on - line because it is a convenience for them at the same time their social skills. People seem like physically isolated, but they are mentally alert, people have the freedom to do things different ways.
Television is really a one way conversation, it’s centripetal force moves the viewers to watch the events, which drives you in one area for in doors, on the other hand Internet is out doors, it’s centrifugal force takes you to on-line cyberspace, you are reaching the outside world, take you to different web sites and if you keep on clicking it take you further out, which expands you to learn several other topics. On Television you can change different channels and watch but on Internet you can go to so many places.
As mentioned by Mark Federman our digital identity, like web , weblogs, web page postings and other digital media makes several digiSelves. Our identity in the cyberspace can bring us into identity thefts through different database . According to the Cultural Paradox article,” the loss of our digiSelf creates the McLuhanesque anti-environment that enables us to take notice of its manifest reality”.
3 key ideas in the readings are:
2. Internet
Discussion Questions:
Are the digiSelf really not secured?
Is this really true that the use of media is stopping us to think?
Are we loosing the natural art, due to the digital innovations?
This week’s presentation gave me a very thorough picture of internet, cyberspace and
In future I have to be very careful about digiSelf and identity thefts.


As learned from the Convergence culture book by Henry Jenkins, convergence is the flow of content of multiple media, it is a merge of the new and old media, convergence occurs in all different ways in technological, cultural, industrial, or social advances. Convergence encourages consumers to look into the new technology through each individual’s needs or thinking, or with social interactions with others. For example it is amazing to talk through a computerized camera attached telephone, on each side of the world and we can see each other personally through this Technical device.
The first key idea, the author’s claim that convergence is “an old concept taking on new meanings,” it means the change to attract the consumers to something new, although the roots of the innovation are the same. The new media can bring new change, keeping the old ideas in mind, but cannot replace it, there all different kinds of consumers these day , some are computer savvy and some are not , who want their lives to be kept simple.
The second idea is about the participative culture that helps drive the process of convergence culture through internet interactions, when we publish our own blogs, we put our own information according to our knowledge, which goes to the consumers. It is just amazing how we put a few words on the internet to inquire and we can gather enormous amount of information in seconds from over the world. Participation involves the abilities of different people in this emerging culture.
It is so hard for some people to deal with the new escalated functions in our daily life like all these digital boxes attached to the television and consoles, it is difficult to figure out where everything is converged, what functions it does and how to use each remote, that is when people want to go back to the original simple methods. For some the new media mishmash or conglomerates are fascinating and they get entertained by the convergence.
The third is the media convergence. Convergence takes place in our daily life more often than before, by the time one gets acquainted with one product a new better quality and better priced products comes in the market to attract the consumers. Sometimes the companies even obsolete the older product, when replacement parts of the older product are not available, then consumers are bound to get the new product.
My most difficult concept from this week’s reading was the author’s report from Cheskin Research”…What we are seeing is the hardware diverging while the content converges.” And the media conglomerates as well.
Questions to discuss:
How can we convince people to become computer savvy?
How can we facilitate conversions to people who are not computer savvy or do not know the digital conversions?

We are in the age of convergence culture, all the accessories or the luxuries are becoming the necessities of our daily life, like the cell phones, navigation system, answering machines, caller I.D. in the phone system, computers and microwaves. This relates to my week’s readings, to merge into the convergent media as fast as we can before we get many more new innovations. I have definitely learned a lot about convergence cultures.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


This week’s course readings about the acoustic space and the internet was a very good learning experience for me, I read the papers once I was not able to follow them as much ,when I read them the second time they sounded pretty interesting.
According to McLuhan (Levinson, 1999), acoustic space came before the alphabets. We have to know the alphabets, for example different languages have different alphabets that can be totally different from the alphabets we learn initially. Alphabets have the segregating tendency, like doctors, lawyers, and other different professions, they all have different construction of meanings or different languages. A child requires schooling in order to read and write, but they grasp the speech as they hear. Sound is all over our environment, in this digital world McLuhan writes about television being on the same wave length as Internet.
The web has changed the way we store organized information, for example the information stored in library. Each web is one note and we find web by association.
The three key ideas in the readings:
• Acoustic World
• Visual World
• Digital World
It is amazing how things being delivered and how things being relayed for example some programs on radio are better than watching on T.V. It is more enjoying reading a book than watching the movie based on that book and Broadway shows are much more realistic than a movie. We can see the world in real life, total emersion is acoustic world, and our eyes work like digital camera through retina, visual world is the perception. Digitalization makes the whole world a segment, latest technology is digitalization. Communication is more effective with text message for example if we do not feel like talking to someone it is more convenient and more effective.
The most difficult reading for this week was “The song of the alphabet in cyberspace”(Levinson,1999). It was hard to grasp the concept of McLuhan’s acoustic space. After reading the paper a couple of times and referring back to the lecture, I understood the concept.
The discussion questions are:
How do you determine the accuracy of the Internet?
How much will digital communication effect verbal communication?
This week’s readings and lecture will definitely help me at my work and my future classes.